This page presents a selection of video clips related to airchair flying. The video productions made by me and referenced here are freely available for reproduction, publication, or whatever purposes the user may deem fit.
See my airchair videos (after the
Motorfloater videos) on Youtube:
Airchair Videos
Yando Goat Cross Country, March 2012
July 2012, a new production airplane much like a Goat, from Italy, using the same motor as the Bloop,, a new commercial motorfloater, the Zigolo (Bunting bird))
8. Bug4 biplane, line towing, March 2011 HG&P in San Diego....Here's a link to a musical video production (until it was silenced for copyright reasons) showing me in Goat4 launching at Horse Canyon, San Diego, California. I'm only in the very beginning, but watch it all, it's good, especially the tracking graphics.
12. SG-38 Primary Glider video clips on the Web..... There are several of these video clips which show open air bungee launches, towed launches, landings, etc., all of which are good lessons for air chair flying. The SG-38 itself is about 100 pounds overweight for an airchair, and probably doesn't soar very well, but it is historically the glider produced in the greatest numbers (thousands in the 30's and 40's), and apparently it is still legal to fly in Europe.
12.1 Car tows in Sweden: Overall this is a good view of what simple car tows are like, including the steep nose up climb and the casual glide down. There seems to be no lift, although the second pilot does some continuous turns as if he were thermalling. Also, the second pilot flies slower than the first, as you can see by the higher position of his head relative to the horizon. The lift offs from the ground seem to be very gradual and cautious, or maybe just the use of a skid instead of a wheel calls for special treatment. When the first pilot gets back on the ground and gets off the seat, there is some lift and fall of the glider that makes the skid look quite springy, it's not looking as stiff as I expected. Ground handling without a wheel is kind of a mystery: they appear to be dragging the glider with the pilot sitting in it using a short rope from a car.